Does your child love to sing and you're looking for the best way to train their voice?
Traditionally, 1:1 voice lessons have been the go-to method, focusing on learning to improve the singing voice. However, for children, singing is a natural activity, and they often enjoy singing with friends more than practicing alone.
That's why we created the Sing with Friends program! Our program is designed to make learning to sing fun, engaging, and social.

Beginner Singing Lessons
Sing with Friends Level
Fun and Foundational Singing Lessons for Young Kids
Age Group: 2nd-6th grade (7-11 years old)
Key Learning Points:
Basic vocal techniques
Building confidence in singing
Group singing and performance skills
Unique Features:
30+ lessons and rehearsals
Crescendo Classes and two performances
No prior music reading required
Typical Ages: Grades 2-6 — In Sing with Friends students use their God-given instruments- their voices!- to learn music! We focus on the very foundations of healthy singing, instill healthy thoughts that help us keep our singing voice in proper perspective, and focus on easing into singing alone and then performing for an audience. Students will learn 17 songs throughout the year, plus 17 more "Virtuoso Challenge" for those who can't get enough singing! There is a step by step "Confidence Building System" we use in all of our classes at SJMS so that students are excited to choose courage, not pressured to perform. There are multiple in class performances called "Crescendo Class" as well as a Midyear Program and End of Year Recital!
Singing and Confidence Training
for ages 12 and up!
Teen Voice
Age Group: 12 and up* (Teen Voice is a program designed for students who are seeking voice lessons. They may be beginner students or have completed Sing with Friends Classes.)
Key Learning Points:
Extend your range
Easily shift through registers
Sing with power and volume
Sing expressively
Unique Features:
12-week sessions
Video instruction and in-class application
Personalized repertoire and feedback
Access to “The Confident Singer” course videos by Julie Stone
What is Teen Voice Class? Teen Voice is voice lessons in a group and with a laser focus. Each 12-week session will specifically target and build upon skills with a performance goal at the end of the course. Students will learn some concepts outside class through video instruction and will then come and work with their instructor on reviewing, implementing and applying technique and knowledge. If you want to up your game in choir or for the musical or worship team, solos, auditions, or whatever, Teen Voice is for you! -Especially, if you are unsure or insecure about your singing voice. (Guess what? You’re not alone! I’d guess that about 98% of singers are unsure and insecure about their voices, even if they are talented!) Class Size: 4-12 students Class Dates: Sept 25 - Dec 18, 2024 Class Time: 4:00-5:00 (sometimes 5:30 TBD) Price: $450 New Student Deposit: $110 (upon enrollment - due by start of class) Choose from 3 billing options: 2-4 monthly installments from Sept-December Pay in full (5% discount if paid before the first day of class) Encore Enrollment Deposit: $110 (to hold spot for continuing enrollment) Instrument: Voice Key Learning Points: Extend your range Easily shift through registers Sing with power and volume Sing expressively Unique Features: 12-week sessions Video instruction and in-class application Personalized repertoire and feedback Access to “The Confident Singer” course videos by Julie Stone Teen Voice Classes Monday - 3:30pm

Register For Sing With Friends
Singing Lessons in Mountville, PA and Lancaster County
Sopranojam Music Studio in Mountville, PA
Your Local Destination for Singing Lessons
Sopranojam Music Studio, located in the heart of Mountville, PA, is your premier destination for high-quality singing lessons. We provide a nurturing and creative environment where students can explore and develop their musical talents.
Sopranojam Music Studio
120 College Ave.
Mountville, PA (directions)
Conveniently Located:
Find us in Mountville, PA, easily accessible for families in the Lancaster and East York areas looking for top-notch singing education.
Serving Areas Around Mountville:
East Petersburg
East York
Why Choose Us?
Experienced Teachers: Our team of dedicated educators brings years of experience and a passion for teaching music.
Comprehensive Programs: From beginner to advanced levels, our singing classes are designed to meet the needs of every student.
Community Focus: We foster a supportive and collaborative environment, making music learning a fun and social experience.
Our Mission: To instill God-given identity, purpose, and confidence in students through music instruction, performing opportunities, and encouraging community, values, and mindset.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take a child to learn piano?With consistent practice and instruction, most children can sing simple melodies within a few weeks and progress to more complex pieces over time. Using Piano Express has proven to speed up learning time through it's gamified experience and individual assessment for accuracy. At Sopranojam Studio, our "Learn, Practice, Mastery" (LPM) method helps students build skills and aids parents in supporting at-home practice. This ensures children develop a solid foundation, leading to greater confidence and skill in both practice and performances.
How do I register my child for classes a group piano class?You can easily register your child online by filling out our registration form on the Piano Lessons page
How much will it take to learn piano?At SJMS, we use a unique "Learn, Practice, Mastery" (LPM) method of teaching that teaches students and aids parents in helping with regular, at home practice that is efficient and effective. We know that kids don't want to practice, they want to play! Our assignments are called "Playtime" assignments because we want kids to see the time they are on the piano as "playing the piano"! It's important to balance both "work" and "fun" in the practice sessions and our LPM method bakes that right in!
What age should a child start piano?Our youngest beginners are 5 years old! However, there is no "perfect" age to start learning piano! Young beginners will move more slowly as they need to develop more finger dexterity. Older beginners will learn and progress more quickly. Our classes accommodate both very young beginners and "older" beginners.
Do you have recitals and is my child required to participate?Yes, we believe sharing our music is really important, so we have recitals! SJMS is unique in that we have a step by step system that prepares students to play for others in a way that is encouraging and manageable, even for those who are very shy. We regularly play for each other in classes which helps make sharing music a regular occurrence, not something that is "scary". We also have periodic performance classes called "Crescendo Classes" where students prepare a memorized solo and present it to their classmates more formally. We follow the "recital sandwich" procedure so that students become very familiar with giving an introduction, playing, and bowing because that's what they will always do when they perform! Students also participate in a Midyear program for the families of their classmates and finally a Studio Spring Recital where they play for each other and the families in the studio. At SJMS, kids LOVE to share their songs and a great majority want to play as many songs as we will allow for our recitals!
Do you offer private lessons?SJMS is unique among studios in our area in that we offer group piano lessons. We believe that for most children, a group is a fantastic way to get started on any instrument! A group offers children the opportunity to make friends with similar interests, promotes healthy competition and motivation, allows for a more holistic approach to music using a variety of activities, games, and singing. Group classes also offer a "finish" so that students who aren't really interested in continuing lessons for a long time, can still get a sense of completion rather than quitting. The classes also lay a great foundation for those who want to continue learning. We currently do not offer private lessons.
Do you teach singing and piano lessons?Great question! We do not currently have a combined class for learning singing and piano, however, that may be an offering in the near future! We do some singing in our piano classes so that students are making music with their bodies as well as their keyboards! Piano classes for singers are highly recommended and singing students are encouraged to try our Piano Express classes!
Is learning piano worth it for kids?Absolutely! Learning piano helps children develop fine motor skills, discipline, and confidence. It also fosters a lifelong appreciation for music. Most experts agree that having a basis in piano is the best foundation for learning other instruments, supporting oneself in singing, and learning music theory.
What do I need to get started with Piano Lessons?For Piano Express, we recommend piano keyboards at home so that students can connect the keyboard to a laptop or tablet in order to use the software at home for the best practice and fastest progress. Acoustic pianos can be used, but you'll want to talk with the instructor further. For Piano with Friends, students will need aa keyboard or acoustic piano at home for practice. We provide full-size semi-weighted keyboards for use during class. We also recommend that you consult your family calendar to see if your days can accommodate regular practice.
Are piano classes effective?Yes! Piano classes are a different and innovative way to learn, for sure! Piano Express Using Piano Express with built in incentives actually helps students play their songs faster! They are practicing more accurately which eliminates wasted time practicing wrongly for a whole week before a teacher can assess them. Many students progress through a level in 12 weeks or less! Piano with Friends By the end of Piano with Friends level 2, our most dedicated students are able to read and play songs from a popular piano lesson book 2B "Piano Adventures" by Randall and Nancy Faber. Average students are able to play and read songs from level 2A and our slower moving students are able to play from level 1. This is similar in pacing to moving through method books in traditional piano lessons. As with private lessons, the effectiveness of the lessons depends greatly upon the student and parents. The more a child puts into reinforcing songs and concepts through regular practice and the more parents help hold them accountable, the more effective the lessons and classes are! Students who don't practice regularly, flounder and lose interest in both piano lessons and classes. SJMS owner, Julie Stone, taught private piano lessons for 20 years before switching to a class model. She has created the Piano with Friends program using the best of a variety of sources and her vast experience so you can feel confident knowing that your child will get a quality experience from a curriculum standpoint!
What's the most affordable way to get piano lessons?Group lessons like our Piano With Friends and Piano Express classes offer a cost-effective way to learn piano while benefiting from a social and engaging learning environment. Additionally, while most private lessons are only 30 minutes, our group classes are 60 minutes which allow the students more time to practice in class.
How much do lessons cost?For most of our programs, we use a tuition model at SJMS. That means that we charge one flat fee for the program. That fee can be divided into monthly installments, if you prefer or you can pay it in semesters. Tuition paid in full by Sept. 30 receives a 5% discount. (A full year's commitment is best, however, there is no contract.) We encourage new students to come for a free trial lesson before registering as well! 2024-25 tuition: Sing with Friends, Piano Express, Piano with Friends- $1200/year; $109.09/month Teen Voice (12 weeks)- $450 Mini-Camp- $35/month (packages provide discounted rates) Discover Your Voice (Summer) Camp - $400
What is the difference between Piano with Friends and Piano Express?Piano with Friends is specifically created for young elementary students who are early readers or even pre-reading. In level 1, PWF focuses on finger strength and dexterity, and our classes focus on learning through stories, games, listening, singing and a slower pace. After PWF 1, students can progress to Piano Express. Piano Express uses technology and teacher/assistant input to allow the student to progress more at their own pace while still learning within the group setting.
What if my child doesn't like piano classes?We find that the vast majority of kids LOVE coming to piano class because it's fun to make music and be with friends and great teachers! Sometimes, it's playing at home that can be more of a challenge. Humans like to do things that are easy and that we're good at, so the more you can get your child to reinforce their skills/songs at home, the more they will enjoy piano playing! We always recommend setting a time goal for continuing so that students learn to press through hardships rather than quitting, but we also realize that learning to play the piano isn't for everyone. If you come to an impasse and the program isn't a good fit, you can cancel at any time. If you cancel in the middle of a month, refunds are not given. Please give us one month's notice when possible. If tuition has been paid ahead, we will cancel any remaining payments and follow the procedures outlined in our studio policies regarding any refunds.
Do you offer any trial classes?Yes, if you are interested in visiting or observing a class, please contact us (see contact options in footer). We would be more than happy to have you!
What age groups do you offer piano classes for?We offer beginner piano lessons for elementary aged students in the form of group lessons. Our Piano with Friends program is a 2 school-year program designed for students who are in kindergarten or 1st grade at level 1. Piano Express is the program we offer to students ages 6/7 and up. Have further questions? Contact Julie - See Contact options in the footer
SJMS Pricing ChartAT SJMS, we structure our payments for classes and lessons as "tuition" rather than as a per lesson fee. You'll see a total cost number that is the all- inclusive price for the classes, workshops, camp, or lessons. Payment installment options are available per month or per semester. We try our best to create different experiences that allows students of many budgets to get musical training! Our classes are $1200/year (Sept-June); $109/month
Group Lessons and ClassesGroup Classes (Piano Express, Piano with Friends, Singing with Friends): $1200 total tuition (includes registration, music, books, lessons, and recitals) 2, 9 or 10 monthly installment options
Piano with FriendsThe Piano with Friends curriculum is a 4-semester program for children ages 5-8 years, with no piano experience, created by Julie Stone . PWF 1 - first year (children with no lesson experience or with less than a year lesson experience) PWF 2 - second year (children who have completed PWF 1 or students who have had about 1- 2 years of piano) PWF is structured in a way that allows young children to make music, fall in love with it, build dexterity and skills, then learn to read music. We sing, we play, we move, we learn with pictures and stories so that class is the highlight of the week! The curriculum is structured according to our signature "LPM Method". LPM means "learn, practice, master". Students learn skills and songs in class so you aren't figuring it out at home. We get a few practice repetitions in during class for reinforcement. Students go home to practice with a "Playtime Assignment" that works like a checklist for the easiest and most efficient practice times. Of course after many repetitions, they master the song! That's when music is really fun! We play original music as well as songs from different method books. Folk songs, church songs, holiday music, classical melodies and children's songs make up the genres students will play. Year 1 focuses on building music vocabulary, listening, piano geography, finger dexterity and melody playing. Year 2 focuses on playing with hands together, harmony, and reading staff notation. At the end of the program, students will be equipped to enter private lessons in lesson books near level 2. Parents are the biggest factor for successful piano lessons! In order to support parents with practice supervision and accountability at home, we have a private Facebook group with explanation videos for what we covered in each class so parents don't have to guess in case kids forget!
Sing with Friends, Level 2 (Continuation class)Discover Singing is a second year program of early vocal technique for young singers. This class is for ages 9 and up who have either participated in Explore Singing or who demonstrate the skill/ability level necessary for this level of voice training. Students will continue to explore their voices and improve their vocal awareness and technique as they learn age-appropriate repertoire, learn simple music-reading and sight-singing skills, learn harmony, and sing alone and in a group. Our goals for this class include improved tone and pitch, accurate intonation, and expressive singing. We study many concepts that pertain to informed singing and that will help improve tone quality, blend, stamina, and solo performance. Students will need to be prepared to take constructive and encouraging feedback on their voices in order to lead them toward their healthiest, most authentic singing. Students will participate in performance classes and at least 1 recital. In this level, students may have the option to add a once a month, 30 minute private lesson for individual coaching. *Students may have an assessment in order to assist with class placement.*
Discover Your Voice CampDYVC is a week long performing camp that walks singers from feeling insecure, nervous, and inexperienced to feeling confident, excited, and ready to sing for an audience! Our signature program uses small group coaching and a step by step program that seamlessly advances students from singing with a small group of friends to singing in front of the large group of campers and finally for an audience in the Showcase Concert! Each camper is given a "Feature Performance" that fits with their experience level and their desires. Knowledgeable coaching staff works with students to assign songs that suit their voices and personalities as well as to assist them in creating their best performances! DYVC is a must for any student that wants to get solo or small group experience on stage! DYVC runs in June and July most summers!
Sing with Friends, Level 1The Explore Singing Class is the start of voice training geared for children ages 8-11 years old. (It is the first class of 2 levels; the second level is Discover Singing.) Explore Singing will give your child a healthy singing foundation and is open to all ability levels. We believe that everyone can learn to sing better regardless of their natural ability. If they love to sing, they will love exploring singing in this class! This 2-semester class is geared toward children who love to sing and want to learn more about how to sing well, participate in solo and group singing, and become musicians who are singers! Students explore their voices through play, activities, games, stories, and of course, singing! Our focus is on learning to sing with freedom, finding our authentic and unique voices, and then learning to share them with each other. We learn foundational and age-appropriate singing technique along with repertoire. Students learn how and what to practice, how their bodies produce their singing voices, how to listen to singing and singers, and how to truly learn a song. We use our signature LPM method for "learning, practicing, and mastering" repertoire. We engage as many senses as we can to make learning singing a fun and immersive experience. Building confidence for sharing our voices is a foundational concept for participants and we use the signature SJSM method of small, doable steps toward a goal. *Students may have an assessment in order to assist with class placement.* Semester 1 runs from Sept- Jan. Semester 2 runs from Feb- May (Discover Your Voice Camp is recommended for those who want to practice their performing skills during the summer!)
Other opportunitiesAt Sopranojam Music Studio, we are always building new programs that will give the most students the best opportunities to grow their confidence and enhance their God-given natural abilities! Join our email list and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay in the know! Upcoming Offerings: Teen Voice - group lessons for ages 12 and up Confident Singing for Worship Team Singers- adults, ages 15 and up Mini Camp and more!
Teen Voice- 12 weeksGrow your voice and build your confidence in a setting of fellow young singers! Teen voice is is perfect for tweens and teens who love to sing and want to become more confident in their voices. Whether you are a choral singer who wants to know more or lack the confidence in what your own voice can do, group lessons is a great way to get solid vocal instruction and the step by step confidence training that SJMS is known for! Teen Voice is group lesson format where students will learn all the things they would learn in a private lesson (technique, repertoire, practice, and performance experiences) but with others at a simliar age and ability level. Students will learn to explore their voices rather than expecting "perfection". They will learn foundational vocal anatomy and technique that will help them sing freely in any style of their choice. They will increase their ranges, learn to shift registers more smoothly, and sing with power. We will focus on taking small steps toward learning to share our voices with each other. We will sing musical theater and/or contemporary Christian worship music in order to apply what we've learned. Students will learn what and how to practice singing effectively so they aren't just singing, but actually studying their voices as an instrument. Class Offering- TBD Are you interested in learning more about this class when it launches? Contact us! *Students may have an assessment in order to assist with class placement.*
How do I sign up for a lesson?You can find sign up links on most of the pages of our website or you can hover on the "Register" menu. Click on the drop down item "Sign Up". We use a scheduling system called "Sawyer". You should find it very easy to walk through the registration process. Simply click on the class you want (look at the time/day offering!); agree to the terms, fill out the form, make your first payment and you're in! If you would like a free trial class first, please contact us at and we will help you schedule!
SJMS Core ValuesIndividual Value- Every individual has a design and purpose and value that is deeper than any amount of ability or achievement. Building Confidence- We want to help you become confident so you can be a light to everyone you meet! Excellence -it’s not only what we do, it’s who we are. We strive to go above and beyond in all areas. Teamwork- We work together to encourage and support one another Positivity- We are optimistic and joyful. We see the good and seek to bring that out in every student. Ownership- We strive to anticipate needs and teach to the individuals learning styles. In order to be the best educators we can be, we regularly invest time and money into personal and professional development.
Building Confidence is at the core of what we do.Confidence is the heart of the teaching at Sopranojam Music Studio and it goes deeper than lesson books, practicing, and recitals. We work very hard to find the best ways to meet individuals where they are. We believe everyone can grow in confidence by using "just manageable difficulty" along the way. It's just the right amount of a "push" for growth without a "shove" that creates fear.
Variety of Learning MethodsThe power of variety, community, and flexibility are much of what drives SJMS students to excel in their musical studies and performances! Learning music, developing character, and planting seeds of desire to learn are the foundation of what and how I teach. There will be some times that the typical lesson format will not be followed and instead, our lesson time may be traded for one or more of the following: - Group lessons (learning a concept together) - Crescendo Classes (practice performance learning opportunities) - Buddy lessons (utilizing games and peer interaction to learn) - Online lessons via video chat (mostly used on snow days, sick days, or for summer lessons- or quarantines, it turns out!) - Pre-recorded Video Assignments or concept teaching - End of Year Examinations - Recitals and other performances - Workshops - Games and activities for reinforced learning - App playing and more!
“Just Manageable Difficulty”In order to build confidence through instruction and performing, we employ varied and unique ways that support students in their journey. Natural ability is just a starting point. We find the best next step that provides just the right amount of challenge without a feeling of overwhelm and fear.
ExcellenceBeing an effective educator requires constant creativity and it’s part of what distinguishes Sopranojam Music Studio. Our curriculum and coaching is based on the teaching experiences of founder, Julie Stone, who has spent her 20+ year teaching career seeking to find the simplest, most fun ways to teach and learn singing and piano. At every level of piano and voice instruction, you'll find stories, games, activities, hands-on, tangible learning at work every day because we love it when our students "get it"!
"Choose Better Thoughts"The other important piece of building confidence comes from keeping our minds set on what is true and beneficial, not on emotions that stem from negativity, comparison, or insecurity.
Our teachers love students and love seeing them grow!The teachers at SJMS are chosen because they have a special ability to connect with students and bring out the best in them. We see each person as created with unique design and purpose from God. We work to find the best ways to connect with each student so they love music and want to succeed!
Are private singing lessons worth it?Private lessons provide individualized attention and tailored instruction, making them a valuable investment for children who are serious about improving their singing skills.
When should kids start music class?Kids can begin general music classes even earlier, around age 4 or 5, to build a foundation for future singing lessons.
At what age does your singing voice develop?A child's singing voice continues to develop throughout their childhood and teenage years, with significant changes typically occurring during puberty.
Are singing lessons worth it for kids?Absolutely. Singing lessons help children develop confidence, improve vocal skills, and foster a love for music.
How can you tell if a child can sing?Listen for their ability to match pitch and maintain a rhythm. Our teachers can also provide a professional assessment during a trial lesson.
Can you teach a child to sing in tune?Yes, with proper guidance and practice, children can learn to sing in tune. Our programs focus on pitch accuracy and vocal technique.
What is the best age to start singing lessons?Children can start singing lessons as early as 7 years old, which is typically the age for our Singing With Friends Level 1 program.
Do singing lessons change your voice?Singing lessons can improve vocal technique and strength, enhancing the natural qualities of a child’s voice without changing its inherent character.
How to get kids to sing?Encourage them with fun and interactive activities, and consider enrolling them in group singing classes where they can learn in a social and supportive environment.
Do students have to perform?Yes! We use our "Choose Courage" model to help students set individual, doable goals for success. Not every performance will look the same, but each student will perform! Much of how we teach students centers around building confidence so they can share what they are learning through recitals and performing opportunities within and outside the studio. Not all students want to perform and there may be accommodations for that. However, for most students sharing their hard work and the art of song is a highlight. It is also an incredible motivator. Throughout the year, students are provided with a variety of “practice” performance opportunities (Crescendo Classes) to help them grow and showcase their hard work and talent. Performances are "built-in goals" and provide great incentives to keep forward momentum. We host 1-2 recitals per year. Students are strongly encouraged to participate, especially after at least 1 semester of instruction.
Can I try out a class before registering?Absolutely! We highly recommend you come to a Demo class before committing to lessons! Send us a message and we will gladly get that scheduled for you!
What do we offer?Singing for kids: Sing with Friends classes meet once per week Sept-June for beginners ages 7-10. Mini Camps are once a month for ages 6-11. Come to one or come to them all. Uniquely themed, kids get a great intro to dance, singing, acting, and a craft. Singing for teens: Teen Voice- 12 week program for learning to build vocal technique More programs are being developed! Discover Your Voice Camp: Students learn to set a performing goal and within 1 week confidently perform for an audience in our Showcase Concert! Piano Lessons for kids: Piano Express- group lessons with individualized progress for students ages 6-12. Piano with Friends- group piano and singing for ages 5-6 years.